1040-SR (Desktop) | Resetting User Account Password

1040-SR (Desktop) | Resetting User Account Password

If you ever forget the password and want to reset it, follow the few easy steps below:

  1. Enter your Username, then click Forgot Password, as shown below:


  2. This message will appear

3. Answer the Security Questions. You have 3 attempts

4. Once you get it right, you’ll see this screen, where you can set a new password

5. Enter your new password and confirm it.

6. Log in using the username and the new password.


In case you all 3 attempts were used and the user account ended up locked, follow the steps below
(only if you have access to the ADMIN user account. If you do not, please call tech support)

1. Log in using the ADMIN Username and Password
2. From the Admin Menu, go to Configuration

3. Select Firm / ERO / Preparer Setup

4. Go to Preparer(s) Menu

5. Select the preparer (the user account you want to unlock)

6. Go to Preparer Security

7. Go to Password/Security Question

8. You’ll be asked if you want to clear the current password and security question for the user account you selected; click YES

9. Type the Username. Once you type it, you’ll see this message. Leave the password field blank and press Enter

10. Enter a new password

11. Choose a Security Question and provide an answer as well