1040-SR (Desktop) | How to Remove the Third Party Designee

1040-SR (Desktop) | How to Remove the Third Party Designee

Q: What is a third-party designee?
A: a third-party designee is a feature that allows the IRS to discuss your tax return information with a third party; like a friend or family member.

Remove Third Party Designee From All Returns

To remove the third-party designee from tax returns, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Main Menu (Quick Menu), go to Configuration

2. From the Configuration Main Menu, go to Printer / Copies Setup

3. Select Advanced Print Setup

4. Click Default Third Party Designee to

5. Choose Leave Blank


Removing Third Party Designee From a Specific Return

To remove a third party designee from one specific return without affecting other returns, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Tax Menu, go to Personal Information


  2. Go to Other Categories


  3. Click Allow Another Person to Discuss Return with IRS

4. When you see this question, choose NO

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