Drake Accounting | Firm Information Setup
To set up the firm information, go to Firm > Firm Information Setup.
Some fields have a red exclamation point that indicates that the field is required. The fields that do not have the exclamation point are optional entries.
Note: Drake Accounting® does not support setup of multiple firms.
Required entries in Firm Setup:
Firm name
Contact: Enter the name of the person who will communicate with the IRS in reference to the client accounts. The contact is required in order to file electronically.
Address and Zipcode for the firm.
Phone Number for the firm.
Email Address: (Required for e-filing): The e-mail address is used throughout the program for forms requiring the firm’s e-mail information.
Federal ID - choose EIN or SSN: Enter the Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number for the firm. Forms 1099 and Forms W-2 can be e-filed using a Social Security Number; however, if transmitting Forms W-2 with a Social Security Number, the firm must be a sole proprietorship with no employees.
EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number)
Account #:
Enter Drake account number as found in Salesforce.
This number is required to e-file 94x series tax returns.
e-File Password:
Enter your e-File Password that is found on SalesForce.
TCC (Transmitter Control Code):
Enter the five-character alphanumeric TCC assigned by the IRS/ECC-MTB.
A TCC must be obtained to e-file 1099 data with this program.