Drake Accounting | Firm Information Setup

Drake Accounting | Firm Information Setup

To set up the firm information, go to Firm > Firm Information Setup.

Some fields have a red exclamation point that indicates that the field is required. The fields that do not have the exclamation point are optional entries.

Note: Drake Accounting® does not support setup of multiple firms.


Required entries in Firm Setup:

  • Firm name

  • Contact: Enter the name of the person who will communicate with the IRS in reference to the client accounts. The contact is required in order to file electronically.

  • Address and Zipcode for the firm.

  • Phone Number for the firm.

  • Email Address: (Required for e-filing): The e-mail address is used throughout the program for forms requiring the firm’s e-mail information.

  • Federal ID - choose EIN or SSN: Enter the Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number for the firm. Forms 1099 and Forms W-2 can be e-filed using a Social Security Number; however, if transmitting Forms W-2 with a Social Security Number, the firm must be a sole proprietorship with no employees.

  • EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number)

  • Account #:

    • Enter Drake account number as found in Salesforce.
      This number is required to e-file 94x series tax returns.

  • e-File Password:

    • Enter your e-File Password that is found on SalesForce.

  • TCC (Transmitter Control Code):

    • Enter the five-character alphanumeric TCC assigned by the IRS/ECC-MTB.

    • A TCC must be obtained to e-file 1099 data with this program.